Low Place
Not a comment on my mental state... not at all ;)
The place where we stayed when we were on Man-O-War was called the Low Place. Mama Wendy said that during the Spring Tides the ocean can totally wash over the 'road'. That would be wonderful to see.
On our snorkeling expeditions, as we'd dingy to the reef, you'd see green patches here and there in the sand beneath the boat. It wasn't until the seas were totally calm that I realized that these patches were really starfish. AWESOME!! Even around our boat were a scattering of them. Doug found one portly starfish by our boat, it was huge.
Walk into Man-O-War
We took the dingy to the beach at the Low Place and walked into Man-O-War. It was a wonderful walk, and we got to see some wonderful things we would not have been able to enjoy if we had taken the dingy. The path varied between worn down lava, sand and concrete. The vehicle of choice? Golf cart.

Afternoon in Man-O-War
While we were waiting for the motor to be repaired we had the wonderful opportunity to enjoy ice cream cones, cinnamon rolls and an afternoon at the pool. I worked off all the treats by doing laps in the pool. They were 'Bahama' laps of course. You float on your back until you bump into the wall, push gently off with a foot or hand and repeat.
I threw part of the cinnamon roll to a bird that was acting as if it would like a nibble. One of the curly tailed lizards raced down the tree across the grass and grabbed it quick as a lick. It was awesome.
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