

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Great Guana Cay

What a drag

When we parked the boat at Great Guana the winds were so very calm. Doug dove on the anchor and it hadn't grabbed, but if a wind came up (South/South East generally) it was in a position to dig right in. However, the winds decided to come from the west and they came with a gusto. Doug poked his head up to check on things and the boat was making its way into shore. The anchor was dragging and so we had a few interesting moments while we tried to get the boat into safe water.

Traffic Jam

We were there to witness the traffic jam at Great Guana Cay. It was something to behold. Prior to this we'd only seen golf carts but to our amazement we saw not one but THREE vehicles of the auto variety and they were all jammed up. A delivery truck was causing the whole debacle. He was stopped at the bright pink cafe, that closes between 12-1 for lunch, and no one could get around him.

In Bahama horns are used to say hi. I'm not sure that we'll ever know what they do if they get annoyed at another driver.


The sunsets at Guana were gorgeous and we had a front row seat every night.


We just spent a couple of days basically relaxing by the pool, reading and enjoying the scenery.

Loud Family

On one of our 'relaxation' days were were out on the ocean side at Nippers enjoying the white sand beach and turquoise water when a boat loaded with people pulled up. These yahoos kept getting closer and closer and closer to the shore while the only one with IQ points, a kid about ten, kept saying, "reverse, reverse, reverse."

Doug and I kept trying to get out of his way and he kept creeping ever near us. I was afraid that the dude would actually FIND reverse and back the boat right over us. We obviously lived to tell the tale ;)

The unloading of the boat was a humorous affair. They are just throwing kids off the bow to swim to shore. Eventually an adult got in the water. Then the "GET MY GOGGLES" and other missed items were hollered for. They were so loud and obnoxious. The fumes from their engine taking every breath of fresh air to be had AND they were parking all their stuff by our belongings. It was time to get away from the Loud family, so Doug and I headed up to Nippers for a drink.

Eventually the boat disgorged all of its passengers and guess where they headed? Yep, to the table right in front of ours. We moved again and found some vacated lounge chairs by the pool near the shade. Ah peace.

Not for long. The Loud family descended on the pool. At least now they were some what entertaining. The kids all lined up on the ledge and began to jump into the pool. Uncle would say, "belly flop" and damned if these kids did not comply. It was a sight to behold. After uncle was done bruising their bellies the kids were content to jump into the pool and run up the steps to jump again. It was fun to watch.

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