We left Hope Town yesterday, but I wanted to post just a few more pictures from there. Before we left, we stopped at the bank to get some cash. Their schedule for when they're open was rather amusing. Here's a picture of the sign on their door.

While we were there we spent quite a bit of time at one of the beaches there that we really enjoyed. In addition to being very beautiful, there were also many very good snorkeling spots just a short distance out from the water's edge, and there was also an excellent restaurant right there to enjoy before or after swimming. Here's a picture of the beach so you can see what I mean about it being a very pretty place. Whoever owns that home on the rocky point there sure is lucky.

And finally, here's another picture of the harbor at Hope Town, with the light house in the background. (I didn't label our boat in the picture this time, but if you look at the docks at the base of the lighthouse you can just barely see it.)

Right now Judie and I are anchored at a different spot on the same island where Hope Town is. There's another incredibly beautiful beach here. It's called "Tahiti Beach. I'm guessing that it got that name because it's so very lush and green, with lots of palm trees and other green vegetation... more than is typical for beaches here. We dinghied in yesterday to do some snorkeling and exploring. I took some pictures but the light wasn't quite right to do justice to the place so I won't include those photos right now. Today I'll take some more when the lighting conditions are more suited to show off the beauty of the place.
Bye for now,
LoL, seriously? And I thought mainland bank hours sucked.