Today Pam will come and remove the old name, SolyMar, and put Life on our bow. Doug has a camera on board somewhere and we will get pictures posted.
Morning Serenade
I was up a bit earlier than usual. The twittering 'clown' birds are still abed, but larger black birds are residing in the neighbors mast and along the dock. They remind me of Christmas bells. Each bird has a note that he is assigned in their tune and each squawks on cue. One is smaller than the rest and has an asthmatic wheeze, much like a dollar store dog toy. The birds go: quork, quark, quark, quork, quark, quark, whee.
I really don't do them justice.
During one of the verses of the song it went: quork, quark, quark, BURP. I kid you not. The bird out on the peer seemed to have burped. All got very quiet. It was as if the Quorks did not to know what to do with this new note. Suddenly the bird next to whee quarked and they all fell back into the song.
The dolphins have returned but there were more of them this morning. The first two acted much like the ones I had seen before, one being a bit shy and the other coming nearer the boat. I was pondering possible names when another one surfaced near the boat, this one had a ragged fin, near her was a baby small dolphin. Very cool.
Doug got his hair cut and I was wavering if I should or shouldn't. It is only hair, right? I decided to go for it. I talked to the stylist and was very clear. Since the only possible style this summer was a ponytail, I wanted something to soften the stark severity of all my hair being pulled back from my face.
She got it. She regurgitated back my desires. I felt comfortable that she understood what I was after and then like every other stylist on the face of the planet she proceeded to do what she wanted.
Now in her defense she did an excellent job of cutting my hair so that when it is dry all the curls/waves are doing their curly/wave thing in a somewhat orderly fashion - one little problem- I can no longer put my hair in a pony tail.
At least it is sort of off my neck.
Doug ate very well yesterday. Still sadly inadequate for what he should be eating, but better than he has been.
Speaking of Doug, he saw the blog about his beard and said, "I was going to shave it off, but not NOW!!" Ahaha he still did. He has a baby face. He loves me.
Guess tat means I'll have to pack my razor to the shower this morning ;)
The 'clown' birds have yet to appear. I wonder if it is because of the 'Quork Family Chorus'. They were larger birds and I imagine 'clown' for breakfast might be very tasty.
I must say that Doug has indeed brought me to paradise. yes, we are still in Florida and still tethered to a dock. But this place is awesome!! Not only do I get the best early morning spectacles, but almost every day we get thunderstorms.
Don't get no better than that.