

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Birds, Dolphins and other oddities


There is another whirly gig in our mast. I don't know what its name is, but I do know its function. It is the thing that mocks me when I try to point the boat into the wind. The whirly gig yesterday was like a ferris wheel built for one. The other whirly gig is more like a merry-go-round.

Today the birds are playing on the 'mocker'. It takes a minimum of two, (the jump rope holders as it were). They flutter down in unison to hold the thing still. Then one by one birds land, the one that knocks it out of balance loses. In the bird world they let you know without doubt you are the loser. There is much chatter about it as the birds fly off and the process begins anew.

It has dawned on me that I must stop watching the birds with open mouth wonder. One of these days I'll get bird drop soup for breakfast.


Marriage is about compromise, and ours is no different. Doug likes growing his beard for the summer. I don't much care for an unkempt beard. He says that he might use his razor to trim under his chin. I told him that I might shave my pits.
(Real conversation folks, you cannot make this stuff up. ;)


The dolphins have come back. It must be good eats here for them to come so close to boats. This morning one came so close if I had spit, I would have hit it. I of course didn't try as I would like them to come and visit again.

I have the need to name them. I name everything, even thunderstorms. However, right now I just can't think of suitable names. Any suggestions?


Third day, second jogger. They are compelled to run to the end of the peer. Take the right angle turn and run to the end of the furthest slip. I wonder what causes that. If there were a boat in the slip would they still run to the end? I may never know.


As my bag was so small I decided to forgo bringing my hair torture devices. Wasn't that part of the wedding vows... 'in straightness and in fuzz'... seems they would not have done me any good. Even IF your hair dries, as soon as the heat of the day strikes it is all over. My hair was in a permanent state of damp.

I tried putting it up in a clip but the twist at the nape of my neck then became a permanent state of wet. I kept imagining contracting some kind of hair rot.

I observed the locals and they seem to keep their hair short or in a ponytail. I really am not ready to shave my head - yet- and I am trying the ponytail thing. Maybe when Doug gets his hair cut I'll have them cut me some bangs. Something to soften this moon face of mine. By the time summer is through the bangs should have grown out sufficiently that I can go back to my regular 'style'. Whatever that is ;)

Date Night

I made clam chowder.

Now anyone who is picturing me peeling potatoes, adding real creamery butter and heavy whipping cream don't know me very well, do they. ;) I opened a pop top can and warmed it on the stove. Julia Childs, I am not.

Doug ate two bowls. I didn't take the "I will eat this if it kills me look" personally. He always looks thus when he eats these days.

He is actually doing much better. Every day he can eat and drink a little more at every sitting. Things are definitely looking up!!


  1. Judie - So do you like being a boatwife yet? Dad - Happy Father's Day!

  2. I certainly like HAVING her as a boatwife. She takes great care of me. Maybe I should fake my illness longer than it actually lasts. I could get used to this kind of pampering.

    Thanks for the Father's Day wish.

  3. Judie, I'm so glad you're the official blog keeper! I was thinking that though the SPOT's 150 char limit is very helpful for curtailing dad's tendency to elaborate, it also put you out of the communication loop! Also, yes, dad, happy father's day.
